student cheering

Themed Day

Keep Yourself Safe Day

11 September 2023

Last Friday, our boys from Reception to Year 8 had a busy end to the first week of the term, engaging in activities and learning…

Coronation of Charles III

5 May 2023

To mark the Coronation of King Charles III, our Union Jack flag was hoisted up the pole and our Beacon Community engaged in a range…

Year 5 Ufton Court Trip

17 March 2023

Our Year 5 boys had an enjoyable and informative time on their trip to Ufton Court Thursday this week. The focus of the visit was…

Year 4 Viking Day

10 February 2023

Good Health or ‘va sæll’ as the Vikings would say! This term, our Year 4 boys have been learning all about the Vikings and to…

Holocaust Memorial Day 2023

27 January 2023

In memory of Holocaust Memorial Day, our boys from Years 6, 7 and 8 all attended a talk with some of our wonderful teachers this…

Rainforest Day

17 January 2023

The Spring Term has begun and our Years 1 and 2 boys have started learning all about the rainforest. To bring the topic to life,…

Japanese Day

29 November 2022

The school week at The Beacon began with a bang as the boys were presented with ‘Japanese Day’, a celebration of many fascinating aspects of…

World War 2 Day

24 November 2022

When our Year 5 boys woke up this morning, time had gone back to 1944. Up they got, eager to put on their outfit ready…

All Things Kenya

1 July 2022

Our Year 5 boys have had the pleasure of learning all about the wonderful country of Kenya this term. They have investigated the physical Geography…

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

10 June 2022

Our Summer ‘Jubilee Term’ is well underway and we have very much been looking forward to the main event which took place today; our Jubilee…