All Things Kenya

1 July 2022

Our Year 5 boys have had the pleasure of learning all about the wonderful country of Kenya this term. They have investigated the physical Geography of the country as well as the effects of tourism on local communities and wildlife. The boys also enjoyed planning their imaginary itinerary for their trip to Kenya.

As part of their learning, they were delighted to make contact with a school in Kenya called Pala Primary. Our boys enjoyed getting to know the Kenyan boys via online video calls that were arranged throughout the term. They explored each others interests, learnt from each other, sang songs together and our Beacon boys even demonstrated some skills they have been taught in Cricket and Tennis this year. It was fantastic for the pupils of a similar age and different cultures to communicate and engage with each other live.

Our Beacon boys also enjoyed meeting a very special visitor, Karimi Kihato, who kindly came to The Beacon to share her amazing childhood experience of living in Kenya. She also tested our boys knowledge on Kenyan culture and taught the boys some common phrases they say in Kenya. Our boys were enthusiastic to learn the Kenyan phrases and did very well speaking them. Karimi also brought in some traditional Kenyan items with her to show the boys, including homemade jewellery and bags, traditional blankets and some beautiful artefacts.

Over the Summer term, our boys have learnt an awful lot about the culture of Kenya and have enjoyed extending their knowledge with activities outside the classroom as well as inside.

Take a look below to see our gallery of images.