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The Pre-Senior Baccalaureate

The Beacon pioneered and continues to be at the forefront of the Pre-Senior Baccalaureate (PSB). This is a skills-based curriculum, which is followed primarily in the Upper School, although all boys, from Reception to Year 8, are encouraged to use nine Core Learning Skills that are the fundamental cornerstones of the PSB programme.

You may be interested to read more about the PSB on the PSB website.

Core Learning Skills

Children growing up in the 21st century will face a very different world of work to their parents. The challenges presented by technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (and a multitude of other new and emerging technologies) are likely to result in today’s Beacon boys having several different careers in their lifetime. They will need transferable skills to transition from one to another.

We are continually refining and developing our teaching and learning at The Beacon to embed these core learning skills throughout the boys’ entire Beacon experience in order to give them the best possible preparation for what lies ahead.

Simon Detre – Deputy Head (Academic & Digital)