student sat on at the table

Our Vision

Our Mission

The Beacon’s mission is to inspire your son to achieve his full academic and personal potential within a happy, safe and stimulating environment. We aim to provide education of the highest quality, delivered by caring and dedicated staff.

Our goal is for The Beacon to be the leading independent boys’ Prep School in the country, offering a truly world-class education for boys aged 3 to 13, to help them face tomorrow’s world as they mature into caring, curious and creative young men.

To achieve this, the School will, with the support of parents:

  1. Promote high standards of academic achievement through consistent expectation and encouragement.
  2. Nurture talent and provide opportunity for all across the curriculum.
  3. Enable pupils to develop the social and emotional skills needed to believe in themselves, show consideration for others and value diversity.
  4. Foster a love of learning, thinking and communication skills to enable pupils to work independently and as part of a team.

In addition, it is the goal of The Beacon to create a wider Beacon Community of current and past teachers, parents, Governors and, most importantly, current pupils and alumni, in order to foster a lifelong relationship with the School.

Furthermore, the School will actively pursue relevant opportunities to extend the benefits of The Beacon, in terms of facilities and educational expertise, to the wider community.

The Five Key Components of our Vision

Together these five components provide a strong and lasting foundation for The Beacon’s future:

  • Delivery of exceptional Teaching and Learning
  • Development of Modern Fluencies; how we weave the experiences, skills, key qualities, technologies and ideas fluently together through our Teaching and Learning
  • Promoting wellbeing for pupils, staff and parents
  • Development of our site
  • Creation of The Beacon Community