boy in swimming pool

Games & PE

Our ethos at The Beacon is ‘Sport For All’, and sport forms an important part of School life. From Reception, the boys receive coaching from specialist teachers in a wide variety of different sports through their Games and PE lessons, as well as a variety of after-school clubs. At whatever level your son is playing, he will be coached and encouraged to develop a love for sport which will last a lifetime.

Every single boy in Years 3 to 8 represents The Beacon in team matches. With over 40 sport teams fielded each term, our boys enjoyed an incredible 750 sports fixtures last year.

During Games lessons, all boys are coached in the major team games, which include rugby, football and cricket. Our PE curriculum focuses on a number of more diverse and varied sports and activities that are designed to encourage physical development and progress. Sports taught in PE include hockey, basketball, swimming, fitness, athletics, cross country and tennis. The Beacon regularly reaches national schools’ finals in rugby, hockey, cross country and athletics and has an admirable track record in tennis and swimming.

Our excellent sporting facilities include a 540m2 Sports Hall, AstroTurf pitches (which convert to four tennis courts) and 16 acres of playing fields with pristine pitches and a cross country course rolling away to the Chiltern Hills. Our swimming pool is now covered so our boys can enjoy swimming all year round.

We have a vast range of sporting after-school and holiday clubs, including football, hockey, cricket, tennis, rugby and athletics. Our older boys also enjoy taking part in sports tours such as hockey and cricket.

At The Beacon, we believe playing sport promotes self-esteem and confidence, helping the boys to build strengths in perseverance, resilience, teamwork and leadership.