World War 2 Day

24 November 2022

When our Year 5 boys woke up this morning, time had gone back to 1944. Up they got, eager to put on their outfit ready for the day. While some boys picked up their ration booklets, others picked up their soldier’s badge and got to work.

During their day of immersive World War 2 experiences, our boys created paratroopers using tissue paper and string which they then launched from the balcony in the Sports Hall to see where they would land, replicating the D-Day Beach landings. Our boys also learnt all about the “Flash, Thunder” technique they used during the war. American and English troops would shout “Flash” to troops who they didn’t know and if they replied with “Thunder” they would know they were an ally.

Afterwhich, there was a very important message to crack in Sargent Davies’ room, an Enigma code had to be urgently solved, so the boys immediately got to work cracking the code.

Our boys also took part in making their own rag doles, in the spirit of Make Do and Mend, which involved learning the basic sewing skills. As well as this, they created their own Gas Mask Boxes while singing the war time classic – ‘We’ll Meet again’.

All the boys had a great day and finished their activities off by getting their rationing cards stamped as they went into lunch. The morale was extremely high amongst our young troops and evacuees today!

Take a look at the images below: