Year 5 Ufton Court Trip

17 March 2023

Our Year 5 boys had an enjoyable and informative time on their trip to Ufton Court Thursday this week. The focus of the visit was to learn about the lifestyle of the Tudors, and they were given the opportunity to experience this first-hand. One of the highlights of the trip was the chance to take part in a fun activity where they were able to sentence their friends to Tudor-style punishments, giving them a glimpse into the harsh realities of life during this time period.

The boys also had the opportunity to play a variety of Tudor games, and the dedication they showed towards learning to skip was particularly impressive! The tour guides were excellent, showing the boys around the manor house and its grounds, teaching them about the fascinating history of the Tudor era. One exciting discovery was finding hidden priest holes!

The boys brought Tudor-style lunches with them and tucked into chicken legs, chunks of bread, and cheese, all of which were popular foods during the Tudor period.

A brilliant trip all round and thoroughly enjoyed by the boys!