student cheering

Year 7

Year 7 Residential to Blenheim Woods

28 September 2023

Our Year 7 boys have just returned from a 2-day team building residential trip to Blenheim Woods in Oxfordshire. The first activity was learning all…

Year 7 Residential Trip to the North of England

4 July 2023

Our Year 7 boys embarked on an ambitious exploration of some of the most historic and scenic landscapes of northern England, taking in Durham, Bamburgh…

Upper School Performing Arts Concert

15 March 2023

On Monday, we were delighted to welcome parents to the Old Barn for our Upper School Performing Arts Concert. The boys were thoroughly professional in…

Gothic Tales by Year 7

3 February 2023

Year 7 boys enjoyed getting creative with their writing, Gothic Style, which was inspired by their use of The Hollow Woods Myriorama card. They worked…

The Redheart Theatre Company Performance

18 January 2023

Our Year 7 boys have been learning all about ‘Gothic Tales’ during their English lessons. To continue their learning they were delighted to welcome The…