student cheering

Month: May 2021

Years 5-8 Sports Day 2021

28 May 2021

After what has been another challenging year, we were delighted to see so many of our Beacon Community back together again at Woodside Stadium for…

Redheart Theatre Company Visit

28 May 2021

The Year 6 and 8 boys enjoyed a special visit from on actor from the Redheart Theatre Company in their English lessons this week. The…

Reception’s Dinosaur Day!

28 May 2021

To celebrate the end of their topic ‘Dinosaurs’ this term, the Reception boys had ‘Dinosaur Day’ today, where they dressed in all things ‘Dinosaur’. The…

Junior Maths Challenge Winners

26 May 2021

Our top Mathematicians from Year 6 to Year 8 took part in the annual UKMT Junior Maths Challenge. The top 40% of students in the…

Instrumental Ensembles at The Beacon

21 May 2021

It is wonderful to have instrumental ensembles happening again in Year Group bubbles here at The Beacon. Run by our fantastic peripatetic team, the boys…

Mental Health Awareness Week

14 May 2021

We have many support teams here at The Beacon, who collaborate to make a real difference to everyone within our Beacon Community. In light of…

Pizza Fun!

13 May 2021

What better way to make learning fun than by using pizza?! Some of our Beacon boys have had a fantastic time cooking, cutting and most…

Mr Winter’s Shadow of Your Smile

7 May 2021

We would like to share Mr Winter’s wonderful cover of Shadow of Your Smile, originally sung by Tony Bennett in 1966. The song was his…

Diwali Presentations In Year 5

7 May 2021

As part of their Self & Society topic this term, the Year 5 boys were lucky enough to watch an interesting and informative presentation on…

Sensational Sweet Bowls In DT

7 May 2021

Our Year 6 boys have been working really hard to produce their sweet bowls this term. The boys have learnt about the processes that can…