student cheering


‘Tree of the Year’ Photography Competition

18 March 2020

We had a brilliant response to the whole school photography competition based on the theme of ‘The Tree of the Year’, with 96 photos to…

Promising Performance from U11 Hockey Squad

18 March 2020

The long drive to Bishop’s Stortford College for the U11 Hockey Squad was an enjoyable and jovial affair, but once the boys stepped off the…

Spectacular Pre-Prep Art Exhibition

13 March 2020

The Pre-Prep Art Exhibition is on full display this week, exhibiting fantastic models linking to the boys’ topic work this term around castles, kings and…

Animal Fun at Whipsnade Zoo

12 March 2020

Year 1 boys thoroughly enjoyed their trip to Whipsnade Zoo this week. They learnt about fur, feathers and scales and worked hard to sort some…

World Book Day!

6 March 2020

The theme of this year’s World Book Day was “sharing stories”, and we certainly did that at The Beacon in many ways. Monica and David…

All Hail our Valiant Vikings!

4 March 2020

The Beacon School was invaded on Wednesday by fierce Viking warriors! What a day we had with wonderful costumes and engaging workshops. On arrival, all…

Giving Back on World Book Day

28 February 2020

This year on World Book Day (Thursday 5 March) we have two worthwhile book-based charities in Africa to ask you to consider supporting.  The first…

Jerusalem Artichoke is a Big Hit in Reception

28 February 2020

Our Taste Buddies at break time have been a huge success, however we wanted to change the focus for our younger years to be more…

We’re in the Press!

27 February 2020

We were delighted this week to see that a wonderful feature written on The Power of Storytelling by our Head of Pre-Prep, Ryan Steward, had…

Pancake Day

25 February 2020

The Beacon had a fantastic Pancake Day today! All our boys enjoyed delicious pancakes with an array of toppings at lunch, including lemon, passion fruit or…