student cheering

Jerusalem Artichoke is a Big Hit in Reception

28 February 2020

Our Taste Buddies at break time have been a huge success, however we wanted to change the focus for our younger years to be more hands on. Children of this age are programmed to reject food they are not familiar with, therefore to be able to touch, smell and taste different food in a learning environment is fantastic for their taste bud development. This week, boys in Reception were treated to a special visit from Lewis, our Catering Manager. Lewis taught the boys about Jerusalem artichokes. The boys learnt interesting facts such as they are a variety of the sunflower and this root vegetable contains lots of vitamins, minerals and fibre. They had the opportunity to try soup, bread and crisps – all made from artichoke! There were many happy faces and we were so proud that every boy tried the different foods. They now can’t wait for the artichoke soup in the dining hall – thank you, Lewis!