student cheering

World Book Day!

6 March 2020

The theme of this year’s World Book Day was “sharing stories”, and we certainly did that at The Beacon in many ways.

Monica and David from The Book Bus charity spoke of their work delivering books and literacy to children in Zambia in a lovely presentation that managed to highlight how a hunger for learning can lead to wonderful results. Boys who were dressed up shared the stories of their chosen character for the day, great effort everyone, especially the Pre-Prep boys.

Boys in Years 6 and 7 shared stories with children from a school in Zambia via the wonders of technology. The questions each asked of the other were curious, surprisingly similar and showed how much children at any age have in common regardless of circumstances. Particularly moving were the moments when the boys sang to and with each other.

Lower School experienced the joys of a Mr Men style playlet penned by the very talented and on this occasion, very orange, Miss Phillips. Meanwhile Mrs Jackson organised a busy and fun filled morning of activities in Pre-Prep.

In the afternoon, boys from Middle and Upper School descended on Pre-Prep and spent a relaxed and heart-warming half hour reading together and sharing stories; all the grown ups were asking themselves why we don’t do this more regularly. Throughout the day the pop-up bookshop provided and manned by Chorleywood Bookshop received a steady stream of customers. The effort and enthusiasm of so many fabulous teachers, parents and the boys themselves meant that there were hopefully lots of stories of the day to be shared with you all.