student cheering

Month: May 2020

Reception Aim High With Mr Tall

7 May 2020

This half-term, our Reception boys have enjoyed listening to different Mr Men stories and then completing work based around them. This week was the turn…

Cooking with Kim

7 May 2020

We have been thrilled to see so many boys trying out Mrs Rowland’s recipes on BeaconExcellence: Online. Burgers have been a keen favourite this week…

Your Unique Boys

6 May 2020

During this lockdown period I would suggest that not only are we learning more about our sons and daughters, but we are also learning a…

Year 2 Science Experiments – and Inventions!

6 May 2020

This week in their #BeaconExcellence: Online lessons, our Year 2 boys have been learning about the scientist and inventor of waterproof fabric Charles Macintosh, after…

Beacon Boy Steps Out for One Can Trust

5 May 2020

We are incredibly proud of Zac in Year 1, who has been helping to raise money for the One Can Trust, a local foodbank charity…

Year 3 Boys Thank NHS Staff

5 May 2020

In their #BeaconExcellenceOnline Self & Society lessons, our Year 3 boys have been learning about the history of the NHS and how our amazing NHS…