student cheering

Your Unique Boys

6 May 2020

During this lockdown period I would suggest that not only are we learning more about our sons and daughters, but we are also learning a little bit more about ourselves and our partners. In this time you, as parents, have had an almost unique insight into seeing how your son responds to learning, how he interacts with his peers and teachers, as well as being able to respond to his needs as they develop in real time. Whilst many boys are responding positively to this new environment, there are some who are finding it incredibly challenging and we are working with individual families to find solutions which can support those boys.

No two boys are alike, and we have to get to know our own unique child. If we understand them, we will be better placed to help them. Comparing your son to someone else’s son is to undermine and devalue the individual characteristics and strengths which make your son so unique and why we love him.  Boys will be men. But what kind of men? If you want your son to grow up open-hearted, kind, strong and full of life, then value him for who he is now and support him on the journey to whatever he will become.

At the moment the stability of school is compromised because home is having to be the place of work, rest and play. We are all having to work hard at home to fulfil all their needs which I do recognise can be a real challenge. Use the opportunity to show him how well he has been able to deal with change and adversity – important life skills no matter what age you are.  Stephen Biddulph, author of Raising Boys has written an interesting article recently which I would recommend.

Stay safe, look after each other and I am hopeful that we will see you all back in school soon.

James Skea – Senior Master