student cheering

Summer Term

Year 6 Residential to Newquay

28 June 2024

Our Year 6 boys excitedly travelled down to the lovely seaside town of Newquay this week for their Residential Trip. Their trip started bright and…

Baker’s Beacon Blog – Week 35

28 June 2024

Dear Parents, Finally, some hot weather!  I used to dread warm days in the Summer and early Autumn Term at my last job.  Hot, crowded…

The Revengers!

25 June 2024

Our Year 8 boys wowed us last week with their stunning production of ‘The Revengers’. An ambitious production and staged in the round, the boys…

Year 5 Residential – PGL Liddington

14 June 2024

On Monday morning, our Year 5 boys were eagerly awaiting to depart for their Residential PGL Trip to Liddington. Despite a little rain, there was…

Pre-Prep Sports Day 2024!

13 June 2024

Go, Go, Go! We were delighted to welcome our Beacon families to Willsfield on Thursday for our annual Pre-Prep Sports Day. Our boys were brimming…

Sports Day 2024!

24 May 2024

On Friday 24 May, our boys in Years 3 to 8 participated in our annual Sports Day event, filled with excitement and anticipation as they…

Baker’s Beacon Blog – Week 26

19 April 2024

Dear Parents, Welcome back to Summer Term at The Beacon.  Lots of revision for Patrick and Joseph over the holiday  – some independently motivated, some…

Speech Day 2023

6 July 2023

On Wednesday afternoon, we welcomed our Beacon Community to the Wycombe Swan Theatre to celebrate our annual Speech Day event for Years 4-8. This year…

Year 8 Residential Trip to Newquay

5 July 2023

Our Year 8 boys enjoyed their final residential in Cornwall. The sun shone and the temperature was perfect for all their activities. These included the…

Year 4 Residential Trip to Longridge

21 June 2023

Our boys in Year 4 had an action-packed two days at Longridge Activity Centre in Marlow. They took part in climbing activities, team challenges, raft…