Speech Day 2023

6 July 2023

On Wednesday afternoon, we welcomed our Beacon Community to the Wycombe Swan Theatre to celebrate our annual Speech Day event for Years 4-8. This year has seen an overwhelming number of successes and achievements. It was a superb way to celebrate these as the end of term is nigh.

We celebrated an array of activities and events throughout the year, from spectacular performances, Maths challenges, chess competitions, charity endeavours, culinary cook-offs and art exhibitions to fantastic sporting events, including excellent achievements at national competitions. This year, we even entered The Beacon Ski Team to the IAPS Ski championships in Tonale and came back with Silver in the team slalom event!

It was such a pleasure to experience the buzzing atmosphere of The Beacon Community back in the theatre again, reflecting on the highlights of the past year together. Our boys and their families, Beacon staff and governor’s eagerly awaited the event to commence, which was packed with an exciting schedule including speeches and announcements, Music and Drama performances, video memoirs, prizes and awards.

Congratulations to our current Year 7 boys, soon to be Year 8, who were awarded new roles of responsibility as the new Head Boy Team, House Captains, and Head Chorister – we hope you are excited for the new challenge!

For many boys, Speech Day is an exciting way to end the year, reminiscing on the opportunities and adventure that the past year has brought – memories, life skills and incredible friendships. However, it is also an emotional event of farewells, as we say goodbye to a few of our Year 6 boys and all of our current Year 8s whose journey at The Beacon has sadly come to an end, after almost a decade at the school for some. We wish our boys best of luck for their next chapter. It has been a pleasure to watch all the boys develop into remarkable young men, who will no doubt go on to achieve great things.

It was also an opportunity to celebrate a final farewell of some extremely valued staff members. One of whom is James Skea, our Senior Master who has been an instrumental part of the Senior Leadership Team at the school after 23 years of devoted service. We will miss him and wish him the best of luck in his retirement.

Speech Day this year was a particularly momentous occasion as The Beacon celebrates its 90 year anniversary! To mark this, we put together a short video of historic footage filmed at school in the 1970’s which was compared to Beacon Life today. It demonstrates how times change, whilst other remain more or less the same. The Beacon legacy lives on!

A Beacon Day: celebrating 90 Years at The Beacon

Speech Day was a great success. Thanks to all those who worked hard to enable such a wonderful event like this to happen. We hope you all enjoy a restful summer break.

See below a gallery of images: