student cheering

Month: March 2023

Year 5 Ufton Court Trip

17 March 2023

Our Year 5 boys had an enjoyable and informative time on their trip to Ufton Court Thursday this week. The focus of the visit was…

Sports Report – Week 22

17 March 2023

This week has been busy on the field with Sports matches and our boys have been playing superbly in both Hockey and Football. See our…

Upper School Performing Arts Concert

15 March 2023

On Monday, we were delighted to welcome parents to the Old Barn for our Upper School Performing Arts Concert. The boys were thoroughly professional in…

Baker’s Beacon Blog – Week 22

15 March 2023

Dear Parents, I’m not the sort of person that normally lets their birthday slip by without anyone noticing and there was absolutely no chance of…

Festival of Words – A Buzz About Books

10 March 2023

In celebration of World Book Day, we launched a Festival of Words event that ran from Thursday 2 March to Friday 10 March. The event…

‘Under the Sea’ Art Exhibition

10 March 2023

We were excited to invite our Beacon Community to an Art Exhibition hosted in the Spinney at The Beacon this week. The creative exhibits showcased…

Baker’s Beacon Blog – Week 21

10 March 2023

Dear Parents, In light of Liverpool’s 7-0 victory against Manchester United at the weekend, I spoke in Assembly on Monday about being a ‘good winner’. …

Tutor Time Life Skills

10 March 2023

During Tutor Time, our teachers have been focussing on planning informative talks and workshops for our Years 6-8 boys,  to develop their understanding of specific…

Year 6 Outdoor Learning

3 March 2023

Our Year 6 boys have been participating in some outdoor learning activities this term, within the extensive woodlands surrounding the school. Split into small groups,…

Baker’s Beacon Blog – Week 20

3 March 2023

Dear Parents, World Book Day yesterday and a plethora of activities for the boys, and staff, to get involved in. One such was signs on…