‘Under the Sea’ Art Exhibition

10 March 2023

We were excited to invite our Beacon Community to an Art Exhibition hosted in the Spinney at The Beacon this week. The creative exhibits showcased artwork created by every boy across all Year Groups at the school.

This term, all our Beacon boys have been working hard in their Art lessons to create masterpieces in line with the theme, ‘Under the Sea’ for display at the exhibition.

Our Early Years’ boys made a beautiful array of colourful jelly fish and created artwork around the theme of creatures they might find at the beach

Our Pre-Prep boys enjoyed using a variety of media, tearing pieces and sticking them together to create colourful collages, including fun images each boys snorkelling.

Year 3 got to work on a large monoprint turtle, while Year 4 took inspiration from collage artist, Peter Clarke, to create a beautiful collaged fish.

Our boys in Year 5 worked collaboratively on large scale paintings inspired by the comic strip style of  Roy Lichtenstein and there was an area showcasing some independent work, that was created in break-time club including large scale acrylic paintings, and detailed drawings using pencil and pro-markers.

Year 6 worked on a Graffiti Art Project and created layered images using spray paint.

The theme of ‘Identity’ was the creative focus for Year 8 this term.

A big attraction at the exhibition was the suspended willow and tissue paper sculptures made by Year 7 and a centerpiece of a display made by Year 4, using recycled bottles to replicate a style inspired by glass artist, Dale Chihuly.

Last term, some of our boys entered The Rotary Young Photographer and Artist Competitions, successfully winning prizes against over 300 entrants! These entries were positioned pride of place in the exhibition. Congratulations to the Young Artist Competition winner Maxwell D (Year 7) who won first prize for his sunrise and sunset artwork, and Young Photographer Competition winners – Isaac K (Year 3) who won first place, Charlie R (Year 1) who won second place, and Dexter R who won third place.

In celebration of our Festival of Words event which launched on World Book Day until Friday 10 March, a ‘Word Board’ featured at the exhibition whereby visitors could write down words that best describes their thoughts of the exhibition to apply to the display board. The board was packed with positive descriptive words such as amazing, spectacular, wow, vibrant, awesome, outstanding, and astonishing.

During the school day, each Year Group had a time slot to visit the exhibition to view their own masterpieces among their peers and see what the other Year Groups had been up to.

After school, our boys were extremely proud to show off their work when their parents and siblings came to visit the exhibition, and the event was a big success. Thank you to all those parents, Governors and staff who attended.

A huge thank you to the Beacon Parents’ Society for donating the display boards. We hope to use these for regular exhibitions moving forward, they are a great asset to showcase the artistic talent we have at The Beacon.

View a gallery of images below and to see a video montage of the exhibition, click here