Tutor Time Life Skills

10 March 2023

During Tutor Time, our teachers have been focussing on planning informative talks and workshops for our Years 6-8 boys,  to develop their understanding of specific topics that will aid their life skills for the future.

Years 7 & 8 Tutor Time Curriculum

Over the course of this year, Mr Privett (Head of Self & Society), Mr Porter (Head of Computing & Innovation) and our Upper School Team have been working together to develop a Tutor Time Curriculum specifically for boys in Years 7 & 8 to continue to expand their knowledge on wider topics in society. As an extension of Self & Society, the boys have had a variety of assemblies and discussions from e-safety, mental health, how to be a role model, learning about careers, university, economics, gender equality and much more to come. The aim of these sessions is to prepare our boys for life after the Beacon, equipping them with the tools to be able to tackle the world in front of them.

In March, we will covering topics relating to Women’s History Month with our Upper School boys, running workshops for the boys to have open discussions and celebrate the influential women in their lives.

During the Summer Term, our focus will be on preparing our Upper School boys for transitioning into positions of responsibility in Year 8, and for moving onto their Senior Schools. We will be welcoming former pupils to return to school to give their top tips in Beacon Talks.  If your son has recently left the Beacon and would like to share their top tips with the current Year 8 cohort, please get in touch Mr Privett on sprivett@beaconschool.co.uk

The Real Money Game

As part of the economics branch in PSHE, our boys in Years 6, 7 and 8 have a variety of experiences to further understand how money works, and discuss topics that can prepare these boys to be financially literate.

In Years 7 and 8, our boys have had a 3-week module on economics in their Tutor Times, with talks from Mrs Kearns, Mrs Heath, Mr Privett, Mr Porter and Mr Baker on various topics such as Credit Ratings, Savings, Mortgages, Compound and Simple Interest, and Pensions.

Last week, our boys in Years in Years 6 and 7 played ‘The Real Money Game’ with Mr Privett as the host. In this game, jobs were randomly generated with a gross income, hours per week and days of per year. From this information, our boys had to work out their income tax, choose accommodation and work out their bills, choosing their form of transport and working out their maintenance costs (car insurance, MOT etc). Finally, after all of this , the boys choose their leisure items with the disposable income. There are many other branches to the game, but this way the boys get some practical experience of budgeting money and understanding that life isn’t free.

Being financially literate and also savvy is a great skill to learn, therefore, these conversations are encouraged to be had at home as well as in school.

Below are a few images from the Tutor Time sessions: