Sports Report – Week 3

22 September 2023

Under 13A – Oratory’s rugby tournament

To suggest Wednesday’s weather was mildly damp is a bit like saying that Lake Windermere is a puddle. However, at Oratory’s rugby tournament, the U13A rugby team barely noticed the rain as they were ensconced snuggly in their new sub jackets. Thanks BPS..! To use the current rugby world cup as an analogy, our young team could hardly claim to have the flair of France, the strength of South Africa or the nous of New Zealand. But we certainly have the determination of England, the passion of Wales and the ambition of Ireland.

A record of played 4, won 1 and lost 3 doesn’t tell the whole story. Against a fancied St John’s Beaumont side we took the lead through Zac H before succumbing 4 tries to 1. The loss of Captain William F with an injury didn’t help our cause, but the lads rallied around and provided a stern test while full back Henry L made judicious use of the kick and chase tactic and kept the opposition back three on their toes.

Bruern Abbey defeated us in a tight encounter 3-1, with our try being one that would grace any pitch from Dublin to Dunedin. The ball was moved along the back line to wing Henry MP. Combining speed and strength he nimbly danced down the left touchline to dab down from about 50 metres out. In our third game the might of Aylesbury Grammar School was subdued in a gritty 2-0 defeat. Most memorable from the game was an incredible covering tackle and turnover from Alex L.

Our final match against Oratory Prep resulted in a deserved 3-1 win. Zac H grabbed the headlines with a superb hat trick but the hard work of Kieran M and the pugnacious Grayson W did not go unnoticed. With fly half Rory OS adroitly pulling the strings like a puppet master, centres Logan G and George G reacted like a pair of fully functioning Marionette’s and they made constant inroads into opposition territory. Their midfield performances give hope for the remainder of the season.

The rain hadn’t let up all day and as the final game reached its conclusion, bringing on submarines would have been more apt than substitutes. The deluge had not dampened the ardour of our boys though. They were a credit to themselves and our school. Well done all.

Reported by Mike Williams 

Under 9D Claires Court

The U9D team made an excellent start to the season with a thrilling 8-8 draw with Claires Court. It was our first contact match of the term, and I was hugely impressed with their tackling and commitment. There were some excellent tries scored and all credit to each boy who represented the school.

– Reported by Steve Miles 

Under 9B Claires Court

Playing against a superior team, the B1’s showed much resilience in their 11-6 defeat to the CCJB A team. Facing a large deficit at half-time, the boys fought back well. Particularly strong were Lucas F, Shaan B, Evan K and Emir D. Able support was provided by Henry J, Isaac K, Joel M, Enzo S and William T. To progress, the team must tackle more and run straighter.

– Reported by Mike Williams 

Stone X Stadium 

On Wednesday, the Colts A squad went to the StoneX Stadium (where Saracens play their rugby in the English Premiership) to take part in a small tournament run by Haileybury School. Everything was running smoothly, until we got 5 miles from the venue and what was supposed to be a 45-minute journey quickly turned into a 2-hour journey due to traffic on the A41….
If nothing else, we covered the values of resilience and perseverance before we even arrived – and that was just the bus driver. On arrival we got going straight away with a game against St John’s Northwood and we won 2 tries to 0. To say the weather was going to play a factor in this tournament was an understatement – as the rain was a little more than an Irish summer day….
Our second game was against Caldicott, which we lost 3-2, and was reffed by Michael Owen – the ex-Wales and British Lion Number 8 and captain, who is the Head of Rugby at Haileybury School. We ended the evening with a 1-1 draw against a very strong Claire’s Court side. The effort the boys showed throughout the evening was commendable and even in torrential wind and rain and some more rain – not once were there any complaints.
Special mentions go to Barney G, Hugo C, George L, and our standout performer on the evening – George O – who received a Haileybury rugby ball from Michael for his outstanding play throughout the tournament. Well done, boys. Plenty to work on but a super experience for you all to play there.
Thank you also to all the parents for coming out and supporting the boys. Reported by Mr Powell

Under 12A Belmont

In polar opposite weather conditions from last week’s match, the U12A team went up to Willsfield in the pouring rain to face Belmont in their second game of the season.
Belmont started on the front foot and scored an early try, sparking The Beacon into life. Playing in difficult conditions, with strong wind and rain, The Beacon boys were clever with their tactics and kicked the ball well into space, which put Belmont under pressure throughout the game.  Even though the rain kept coming down, the boys were still trying to throw the ball around and went through some lovely phases of play, with some strong rucking and passing of the ball. Taking inspiration from the Rugby World Cup, The Beacon scored two tries from cross field kicks which is impressive to see at this age group, making the final score 4 tries to 2 to The Beacon. Reported by Mr A. Walker