Baker’s Beacon Blog – Week 30

25 May 2023

group of students sprinting

Dear Parents,

Well, that was a great party!  A packed dancefloor, lots of cheer, great company and a very excitable and energetic atmosphere at Latimer House throughout the evening.  Indeed, apart from the dancefloor, very much reminiscent of a Beacon School playtime – I can see where the boys get it from! As I said on the evening, my sincere thanks to Octavia Orchard, Emma Ife, Jo Robson and Emily McCart for putting on and orchestrating such a successful evening.  Our BPS is mighty but small, and I know I speak for the committee when I put out an appeal for any Beacon mum or dad that would be prepared to join our group that arranges all the various activities throughout the year.  The commitment is not onerous and it can be an immensely fulfilling one that enhances the sense of community we have in our school – being a Beacon parent is just as important as being a Beacon boy.  If you would like to join the committee for 2023-2024 please do email me or; we’d love to hear from you.

A great sense of community and competition at today’s Sports Day, as we run and jump into the Half Term break.  What pleased me more than anything today was the completely unprovoked handshakes and pats on the back that the boys gave to their peers who had won or done particularly well.  We see this a lot in Assembly when calling boys out for commendations and it is really striking how Beacon boys genuinely support and encourage each other, exhibiting excellent citizenship.  It was therefore no surprise to learn this week that two ex-Beacon boys, Ed Bellamy and Ross Tobin have been made Head Boy and Deputy Head Boy respectively at Dr Challoner’s for the next academic year.  Knowing that school as I do, and the willingness of its number to lead and take responsibility, this is a stellar achievement for Ed and Ross and speaks volumes for how our boys are such superb ambassadors as they go through senior school.  And no, before you ask, I was not appointed to any position in my time there. In fact at a Heads’ Conference at Wellington some years ago, the then Head, Anthony Seldon, asked for hands up of the assembled group of school leaders who had been appointed Head Boy or Girl of the schools they had attended…only two hands out of a group of over 100 appeared, make of that what you will…

Last call for any parent that wishes to ‘Buy a Brick’ for the pathway to be installed over the summer.  We have sold just over 100 bricks, which is fantastic, thank you, but must close this round of sales on Wednesday 31 May at 4pm.  If you would still like to be included please visit the link HERE before next Wednesday.

Have a great Half Term,

Nick Baker

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