The Beacon Open House

3 February 2023

a woman and young boy

We were thrilled to welcome our Years 3 & 4 Beacon parents into school this week, to visit their son’s classroom and take a look at the work their son has been producing during his lessons. It has been lovely to see our boys so enthusiastic with their parents, exploring their classrooms and enjoying their classwork together.

The event provided a fantastic opportunity to showcase the boys’ achievements and efforts so far this term. The boys were extremely proud to talk about what they have been doing and the parents were delighted to meet their son’s fellow peers and their parents.

It has been wonderful to welcome parents into school to explore the classrooms and get to see the work the boys have created so far this term. This event is a great opportunity for parents to integrate themselves into school life.” Jemima Elcomb, Head of Lower School

#BeTogether #BeaconCommunity