Pre-Prep Reading Initiative

20 January 2023

Over the past few weeks, our Pre-Prep boys have had the pleasure of welcoming different storytellers into their classrooms. The Pre-Prep Reading Initiative was organised by one of our teachers, Ms Wildman, who is passionate about books and reading having worked in a School Library. She was therefore, put in charge of promoting storytelling for our Pre-Prep boys. As The Beacon has grown, it has been harder for our Pre-Prep boys to meet different teachers throughout the school, so this idea was brought in to bridge the gap and bring everyone closer together.

This was also a wonderful opportunity for teachers around the school to visit the Pre-Prep building and develop an understanding of what goes on in the classrooms, as well as using it as a space for the boys to meet other members of staff to create a smoother transition for when they move further up in the school.

A huge benefit of this scheme is the promotion of storytelling, so including out of context teachers within the readings was important to demonstrate to the boys that everyone can enjoy reading and storytelling. The aim of the initiative was to encourage our boys to pick up books and get reading for pleasure. We reached out to The Beacon staff to ask for volunteers and had a great response from people keen to get involved.

So far, our boys have had visits from Mr Baker (Headmaster), Mr Williams (Head of PE), Mr Porter (Head of IT) as well as Miss Elcomb (Head of Lower School) and Mr Stanfield (PE Teacher). It has been wonderful to see such an array of teachers visit and introduce themselves to our younger boys.