Baker’s Beacon Blog – Week 10

25 November 2022

Dear Parents,

‘World Cup Fever’ in schools is something normally associated with hot and humid classrooms and the end of the school year, not two thirds of the way through the Autumn Term with wet and windy playgrounds. But that is what we have had this week and it didn’t dampen the spirits of the enthusiastic Beacon football supporters as we gathered in classrooms over lunchtime on Monday to watch England rattle in six goals. It is amazing the feel good factor that a win in a football match can generate, and whilst only the most optimistic boys were humming ‘It’s coming home’ down the corridors after a win against such lowly opposition, having watched all the teams now, dare we say that England look the strongest? Dare to dream, let’s see what tonight and Tuesday evening brings…

The first World Cup I can remember was probably Spain ‘82 when I was 9 years old. An unfit Kevin Keegan apart, the England team was devoid of footballing superstars. My friends and I were therefore far more focused on the Brazilians Zico and Socrates, who, even though we had never seen them play, sounded amazing and far more exciting than Paul Mariner and Tony Woodcock. There was a mysticism about that Brazil team and even though looking back at the outcomes they only got as far as England, their play, copious glorious goals and that amazing match against Italy was probably what seeded my interest in the game.  The next season I persuaded my parents to take me to my first Watford match…who also played in yellow. You might think that is where the similarities end but last night’s superstar for Brazil, Richarlison, was discovered and brought over to the UK by Watford, and the star of the World Cup in 2026, Joao Pedro, currently plays for Watford…Freddie H in 5Y knows what I’m talking about, don’t you Freddie?

Away from the football, the School has been a hive of industry as we make final preparations for the Year 6 play, dress up in Year 5 for World War II day, Year 4 beautifully articulate their autumnal poems and of course, set up for Christmas. No-one does Christmas quite like The Beacon and look no further than tomorrow’s BPS Christmas Fair (10am-1pm) if you want to start your festivities. My wife Brigid and I will be in the Spinney Theatre corridor with our ‘Santa Hat Picture’ stall – do stop by to say hello and pick out your son. Our expert photographer Laura has managed to catch everybody in what is a splendid Beacon boy festive collage – it’s quite a sight, and definitely ‘a lot like Christmas’!

See you tomorrow,

Nick Baker