18 November 2022
Here at The Beacon, our boys have participated in the Odd Sock Challenge, which has been rolled our nationwide to raise awareness of Anti-Bullying Week. The main aims of the charity are to stop bullying and create a safer environment for all children to live, grow and learn. Raising awareness of this within schools is extremely important and we are thrilled to, once again, be celebrating this excellent cause.
Our Pre-Prep boys took part in various sessions this week, where they discussed the importance of recognising and celebrating differences. Today, we welcome Action Work to The Beacon to deliver an Anti-Bullying workshop to our boys from Years 3 to 8. They learnt about how to deal with bullies in a healthy way. The team encouraged our boys to feel confident in reaching out to Teachers, family and their friends with any concerns.
Boys in Years 7 and 8 also had the opportunity to participate in acting out specific scenarios with bullies to see how they would deal with the situations.
A big thank you to Mr Privett for organising the event and for encouraging this very important message onto our boys.
Mr Privett, Head of Self and Society says, “Thank you to Action Work for delivering an exceptional workshop and Assembly today for our boys at The Beacon. I’m sure the boys will come away from the session having learnt valuable lessons, feeling confident in who they can reach out to with any concerns and will continue to look out for their friends around school.”