Our Little Beacons’ First Few Weeks

30 September 2022

Our brand new Nursery boys joined The Beacon at the beginning of September and have settled in wonderfully to their new environment. They have been getting to know their peers and Teachers and have very much enjoyed their first few weeks in the Little Beacons Nursery.

Throughout their first few weeks, the boys have been very busy! They have explored the whole school with their Teachers who took them on a tour of all the different buildings, meeting various people in The Beacon Community along the way. They stopped off at our Headmaster’s office to say hello to Mr Baker and also got the opportunity to visit various classrooms to see where all the big boys learn.

During their second week at Nursery, they went on their first ‘Welly Walk’ adventure. The ventured over to Willsfield and explored the woodland area located around the school. They listened out for nature sounds and were taught all about the differences in trees and how they change during the seasons.

The Nursery boys were all very excited to take part in their first PE lesson, which was on the AstroTurf with their Teacher, Mr Harris. They have been mastering the art of throwing bean bags into hoops and even got to play the ‘Mr Men’ game, where they had to listen carefully to instructions and act out a certain character. The boys were really excited to have their first swimming lesson in the heated indoor pool here at The Beacon. They tested their paddling skills and were challenged to put their face in the water to build their confidence in the water. During their second lesson, the boys were all very brave and started learning to swim on their backs. Well done, boys!

The topic of this term is ‘people that help us’ and the boys have been learning all about the different people around the school who help them on a daily basis. They have said hello to our Facilities Team, our Front Office Team and our Catering Team who serve them their delicious meals every day. They made sure they thanked everyone they met for all the work they do. Back in the classroom, they have also been painting portraits of the people that help us. I think we have some artists in our midst.

Bonjour Petit Beacons! Our boys have had their first few French lessons over the last few weeks and we have enjoyed watching them cleverly pick up so many words. The boys are focusing on ‘bonjour’, ‘au revoir’ and ‘merci’ at the moment and have even learnt how to introduce themselves in French.

The Little Beacons have also been excellent Musicians and singers during their Music lessons with Mrs Voneshen. They have been working with ‘Rory the Rhino’ to repeat different sounds and see if they can make the same exact sound as Rory. As well as using different instruments and getting to know how to make them sound as they should.

It has been wonderful to see our Little Beacons flourish in their new environment and we are very much looking forward to seeing them grow throughout their Beacon journey.