student cheering

The Beacon Open Morning

6 May 2022

This week, we were delighted to host The Beacon Open Morning, welcoming prospective families into the school for the opportunity to explore our tremendous facilities.

Nick Baker, our Incoming Headmaster, gave a talk to parents highlighting the excellence that The Beacon has to offer, and our Year 8 boys toured our guests around the school, answering questions and reminiscing about their personal journey at The Beacon as they entered the Pre-Prep corridors.

Our prospective families were thrilled to be greeted by happy Beacon boys whilst viewing the excellent activities taking place throughout the school on a school day in action. They managed to get a real insight into Beacon Life, including the opportunity to see some of our boys practising their Cricket skills in the Sports Hall, getting a taster of a ‘Midsummers Night Dream’ workshop as well as watching plenty of Nursery activities enjoyed by our Little Beacons. It was also a wonderful opportunity to meet our Teachers and discover more about the Beacon experience.

If you were unable to attend our Open Day, click here to view our Virtual Open Event videos, which can give you a flavour of Beacon Life.

There are four main entry points into The Beacon – Nursery (age 3), Reception (age 4), Year 3 (age 7) and Year 7 (age 11). However, places in other year groups do become available from time to time.

Individual tours are also available, so please do get in touch with our Director of Admissions, Pippa Pearson, to book a tour on or by calling 01494 432764.

Our next Open Morning will be taking place on Saturday 1 October 2022.

Scroll down to see our gallery of images from today.