A Busy Week For Year 4

6 May 2022

Year 4 have been very busy this week with Science experiments, Outdoor Learning and SAS lessons in the Quad!

4Y were excited to be experimenting with margarine in Science. Our boys have started to think about how animals have adapted to living in different environments. They considered a polar bear living in the Arctic in extremely cold conditions and discussed the benefits of having a thick layer of blubber under your skin to keep you warm. To test this theory out, they then coated one of their hands in margarine to replicate blubber, and placed both of their hands in iced cold water to investigate the effect this layer of fat can have versus a non coated hand. It was interesting to see whether they could keep the hand coated in ‘blubber’ in the water the longest!

During Self & Society lessons this week, 4G have been learning what it means to ‘love’ and how you can love in different ways. They have been discussing how you love something or someone and then delved into the topic of ‘self-love’. Tom said “If you don’t have self-love then it would be difficult to be happy in life”. Our boys practised giving themselves compliments and decided that they would give themselves some self-love by spending 10 minutes quietly reading outside in the sunshine.

Mr Davies, who is running our Outdoor Learning scheme this year, took our Year 4 boys out towards Willsfield this week to explore the woodland in search for resources. They began to use a variety of tools such as knives, firesteels and firepits to prepare to start fires. Our boys had an excellent time venturing out of the classroom and learning these valuable life skills. They were tasked with showing their ability to work in a team and how to apply their learned knowledge accordingly, not to mention a willingness to share snacks with their Teachers!

Excellent work this week boys!