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Year 3 Get Creative Across the Curriculum

4 June 2020

Boys in Year 3 have been showing off their creative sides in recent lessons. In English, they have been studying the book ‘Ottoline and the Yellow Cat’ by Chris Riddell. The boys have been working hard to solve the case of the missing lapdogs and discover just how the disappearances are linked to a string of daring burglaries in Big City. Inspired by the main character Ottoline, who has a diploma from the Who ‘R’ U Academy of Subterfuge, the boys created their own elaborate disguises. Tasked with re-purposing objects and clothing found around their homes, the Year 3 teachers were incredibly impressed with their inspired and resourceful efforts!

Meanwhile, Geography lessons have all been focused around the UK. Just before half term, the boys learnt about the history of London and how the city has changed over time. The boys were tasked with designing and creating a poster to attract tourists to London. See the carousel below for wonderful photos of the boys’ disguises and London posters.