3 June 2020
A huge congratulations to our Year 6 and Year 8 leavers on being awarded an incredible range of scholarships and exhibitions to a wide variety of leading independent senior schools next year.
“The resilience and determination shown by all our boys throughout this extremely challenging period of their lives has been outstanding,” says The Beacon’s Headmaster Will Phelps. “Our boys have fully embraced our #BeaconExcellence: Online curriculum and have continued on from scholarship success of previous years to be awarded a wide breadth of scholarships, ranging from Academic, Drama and Music to Art and Hockey, to outstanding independent senior schools such as Harrow School, Shiplake College, Merchant Taylors’ School and Berkhamsted School. This success is testament to the boys’ dedication and talent and the exemplary, all-encompassing education our boys continue to experience at The Beacon. My huge congratulations to the boys, their very supportive parents and our committed Beacon scholarship preparation team.”
Click here to read more about Destination Schools and scholarship success at The Beacon.