Baker’s Beacon Blog – Week 2

15 September 2023

Dear Parents,

A tangible sense of relief permeates the school site today with the Secondary Transfer Test over for another year.  We were really impressed with how our Year 6 boys handled the situation both with the practice on Tuesday and real thing yesterday; nerves of course but a sanguine spirit of getting through it and with a scholarly and responsible approach to boot – great work boys, we’re proud of you.  In my day, 11+ was 12+ so we were a year older, but then we had three tests on three separate days and were not given notice as to when these days would be.  It would be impossible to find a completely fair and comprehensive assessment (for any school) but one test, of one type, on one day, with no reference, report or interview seems to me a rather crude process.  And the outcome doesn’t define you of course.  Brigid and I have one son who passed and one who didn’t – both are doing great at their respective schools and have very similar and fulfilling educational and social experiences.  Whatever the outcome on October 13th, as last year, we will call every parent whose son sat the test, that weekend to debrief the outcome and strategize the future – we are all in this together.

Your sons may well come home this afternoon with the comment, “A funny thing happened at school today.”  For as long as I can remember, schools serve fish on Fridays but today, Head Chef (of what I can comfortably say is the best school food anywhere) Dino served up sausages.  Lots of quizzical faces amongst the boys and staff as they approached the counter with, “Where is the fish? I love sausages but we always have fish, what’s going on?”, comments filtering up and down the queue.  “No reason, just switching things up a little bit” replies Dino…and fair enough.  Human beings are creatures of habit and The Bakers are no different.  All four of us have their own seat at our dining table; sometimes I sit at a different one just to be awkward/funny and am promptly told in no uncertain terms to move.  The Beacon prides itself on being a traditional yet progressive school in all areas and if this means sausages on Fridays every now and again then so be it – dare to be different!

Have a good weekend,

Nick Baker

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