student cheering

Beacon Artists

21 January 2021

Our Beacon Boys have blown us away with their fantastic artwork already this term!
Our Year 5 and 6 boys have been studying the art movement ‘Cubism’ and have responded brilliantly to artwork by Picasso and Braque by creating their own cubist still-life drawings using a variety of different media. As you can see in the gallery below, they have created some vibrant and exciting compositions!
The Year 7 boys have been studying the art movement ‘Surrealism’ and have been inspired by the work of contemporary artist, Erik Johansson, to help them explore and experiment with different imagery. They have used drawing and collage to morph objects and scenes together to form surreal works of art.
Year 8 have been creating artwork based on the theme of ‘Identity’. They have creatively responded to the task by using a variety of different media such as collage and drawing. Impressive work, Year 8!
We have received some excellent artwork from boys all across the school and wanted to share a few of them with you – please enjoy the gallery below.