The Beacon Visit the Battlefields

23 October 2023

Last week, our Year 8 boys embarked on an eye-opening trip to the Battlefields on the Western Front of France and Belgium.

This trip provided the boys with the opportunity to witness first-hand the sites that inspired the poignant verses of poems they have been studying in English this term. They were also given the chance to read some of these famous poems on location. Throughout the trip, they made some sombre but educational visits to several memorial sites, each one reminding the boys of the sacrifices that were made by countless soldiers.

Year 8 listened to some incredible stories regarding the actions in World War I of numerous soldiers and their batallions. The boys laid a wreath on behalf of the School at the Thiepval memorial in France and at the Menin Gate. They have seen the ground where all the fighting happened and were able to visualise what they have learned in their history lessons. It has been a very moving trip and a fitting end to a great half-term.