The Beacon at the Battlefields

4 November 2022

Our Year 8 boys set off on their Battlefields Trip last week to round off the end of the first half of our Autumn Term. They hopped on the coach at 6am on the Wednesday morning and arrived safely in Belgium, enthusiastic to get stuck into to all the activities and continue their learning about the history of WWI.

They had lots of exciting places to explore that were scheduled over the three days, they visited the cemeteries and memorials in Ypres, went to the Somme area, Devonshire Trench, Wellington Quarry and much more. It was a jam-packed few days!

Our boys were thrilled to be given the opportunity to dress up in authentic replica solider uniforms! They also enjoyed learning more about the history of the gas mask. A tour guide showcased and described a range of gas mask designs that were used throughout the years and some of our boys even tried them on.

During the trip, it was lovely to see two of the boys make a pilgrimage to find a tombstone of their relative. Accompanied by a Teacher, they searched and found the tombstones, where they then laid a wooden cross to mark their respects.

Also on the agenda was a visit to Llangemarck German Cemetery, Hill 60, Tyne Cot, Ulster Tower, Thiepval, Menin Gate Ceremony, Wellington Quarry Museum, Passchendaele Museum, Vimy Memorial, and Vimy Ridge. To top it all off, our boys enjoyed a visit to a traditional Belgian Chocolate Shop.

Take a look at the gallery of images below.