students sat on a bench

Introducing Our New Head Boys

16 September 2022

students of Beacon School

It is a great pleasure to welcome our new Head Boy Team for 2022-2023. A huge congratulations to Zac S (Head Boy), Theo T and Nick D (Deputy Head Boys) who will be taking the reins for this academic year. As the new term starts, the team are enthusiastic to start planning the year ahead and take on a new challenge.

We caught up with the boys to find out a little bit about why they applied for the position and what they are looking forward to.

Zac told us that he was unsure whether to apply for the role of Head boy or not, but after some consideration and chatting to his Teacher, Miss Thomas, he decided that the opportunity was one he couldn’t pass up. Zac considers himself to be a courageous and outgoing person and is very excited to bring positive change to the school. He will be striving to introduce new ideas to the school, as well as being a good role model for the younger boys at The Beacon. He is very much looking forward to working alongside his two deputies, as well as working with Mr Nick Baker.

Deputy Head Boy, Nick, is going into his tenth year here at The Beacon. During his younger years at the school, he was inspired by the Head Boys, so for him, this was an opportunity that he couldn’t wait to apply for. He is looking forward to contributing towards school life and giving back to the amazing school that has guided him through his learning journey and helped him grow into the young man he is today. Nick feels a real sense of pride and privilege to have been elected Deputy Head Boy and he is eager to become a role model for the younger boys. Nick is excited to help shape The Beacon into an even more amazing place than it is today, and is looking forward to having a successful year of being part of the Head boy team, much like George, Edward and Felix did last year.

Theo has been a Beacon boy since the age of 4, meaning the school has been a huge part of his life. He has a broad range of interests and is very involved in Music, Drama, DT, charity work and all academic challenges at the school. Theo was excited to apply for the role of Head Boy, with one of the appeals being to inspire younger boys to get fully involved with school life and to encourage them to make the most of the opportunities The Beacon has to offer. Theo told us that is is a privilege to have been selected to take on this role and he knew he wanted to use his time in the position to reinforce the schools “Be Kind, Be Kind, Be Kind” motto. Theo is looking forward to speaking to the boys throughout the school to find out what issues are important to them, as well as organising activities that everyone can get involved in.

We are very much looking forward to seeing what our new Head Boys have in store for the school this academic year. Look out for our next Beaconverse podcast, where we will chat to our Headmaster and Head Boys about their upcoming plans. The episode will be released early October.