Year 5 PGL Trip Fun!

18 June 2021

Our Year 5 boys had a fantastic time in the sunshine on their PGL trip this week! Taking part in various outdoor activities such as zip wiring and archery, the boys had a super time and we loved hearing all about what they got up too. Please see below for a summary of the trip:

When we got on the bus, I chatted with all my friends about how much fun we would have on the trip! It was a two hour drive and I felt quite cold from the air conditioning. However, the heat from the great weather soon warmed me up!

As soon as we arrived at PGL, we went and got our packed lunches and sat and ate them under some trees. After finishing up, we went to start our first activity. My group, Group 3, started off with a problem-solving activity – not the Maths type! We had to do challenges, such as trying to get everyone on a seesaw and make it balance or getting a boy out of a square but not going inside the square. It was great!

Our next activity was the zip wire! At first I was a little freaked out but after doing it twice, I loved it! We were then showed our dorm rooms – I was with all my friends so I was very happy. My dorm chilled out for a bit, then we went to go and have dinner, which was fabulous!

In the evening, we had a campfire and I enjoyed dancing away with all my friends. We then went to bed (but obviously stayed up chatting for a bit!)

The following morning, we had a lovely breakfast and started our activity for the day. We were absolutely shattered by lunch! Our activities were climbing and raft-building, which were a blast. Raft-building was complete madness and so much fun! We finished off the day by answering questions around countries all around the site – my team did really well!

Our final activities the next morning were a sensory trail where we had to walk around blindfolded holding onto a rope using our senses. We then got back on the bus and headed back to school. I slept on the way back. I had a great week – thank you to all the teachers that organised it!

Michael C – Year 5 

We hope you enjoy the gallery below, which gives you a glimpse of their fun-packed few days at PGL this week.