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Keep Cooking With Kim!

29 January 2021

In Cooking & Nutrition lessons this week, the boys have focused on soups and smoothies as a way of consuming more fruit and vegetables and of boosting micro nutrient and fibre intake.

Please click here for our fabulous Mrs Rowland’s cooking showreel. In one of her recipe videos, she demonstrates how to make Bone Broth. Bone Broth contains both collagen and the necessary amino acids for the digestive system to repair and build the gut lining. It freezes well and is a good way to use up bones from any roast dinners!

Well done to all the boys who made the Bone Broth and the Asian Chicken Soup or who made healthy smoothies as a snack or dessert this week. We hope you continue to have fun making your own smoothies and experimenting with different fruits and vegetables.

Please see the gallery below for some of the boys’ delicious creations.