Upper School

The Beacon Bursary Fund Gift Aid Declaration

Thank you very much for supporting The Beacon Bursary Fund (registered charity no 310643).

The Beacon Bursary Fund is a separate charity run independently of the school. It can offer financial assistance to existing pupils whose families find themselves in temporary financial difficulty and who would otherwise have to remove their son from The Beacon at a time that would be detrimental to their educational progress. Redundancy, illness, or the death of a breadwinner are all situations which could lead to an inability to pay school fees in full, and at such times the fund can offer short-term assistance.

The Beacon Bursary Fund derives its income from parental donations (made as a voluntary contribution on the termly fee invoice), Gift Aid and investment income. The voluntary contribution (currently £29 per term) will appear on your first fee bill and, if you are happy to support the fund, the total fee bill amount is payable. If you do not wish to contribute, please deduct the contribution from the amount you pay. It should not then appear on your future bills.

If you are a UK taxpayer, The Beacon Bursary Fund can claim a further 25p for every £1 you donate at no extra cost to you. Please complete our Gift Aid Declaration below in order for your gifts to qualify. If you have paid your fees and made your donation from an individual as opposed to a joint account, then we kindly ask the parent/guardian whose name is on the account to please complete the declaration. If you are a higher rate tax payer, you can also reclaim the difference between the basic and higher rate of tax, meaning that your termly gift of £29 will actually cost you £22 whilst being worth over £36 to the school.

Further information about The Beacon Bursary Fund and also the Headmaster’s Bursary Fund, a separate fund operated by The Beacon (registered charity no 309911) which aims to broaden access to the school by offering means-tested financial support to bright and talented boys from less-advantaged backgrounds, can be found by clicking here.

Beacon Bursary Fund Gift Aid Declaration

  • (Registered Charity Number 310643)
  • I want to Gift Aid any donations I make to The Beacon Bursary Fund in the future or have made in the past four years. I am a UK taxpayer. I understand that Gift Aid is reclaimed from the tax that I pay for the current tax year.
  • e.g. Mr, Mrs, Dr
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Please notify us at dfo@beaconschool.co.uk if you

    - want to cancel this declaration
    - change your name or home address (please notify The Beacon School in the normal way)

    If you pay Income Tax at the higher rate or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your self-assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.

    I understand that this data will be held on file and will only be used for the purpose of reclaiming tax.