students in woodwork

Headmaster’s Bursary Fund

The Governors of The Beacon are committed to broadening access to the school, ensuring that bright and talented boys from all backgrounds can benefit from the exceptional education we provide. We do this by offering means-tested financial support with the payment of school fees to eligible parents/guardians. Such support is known as a Headmaster’s Bursary, which is awarded in the form of a discount of up to 100% on tuition fees payable, depending on the financial, compassionate or other relevant circumstances of applicants. In 2021-22, ten boys were receiving Headmaster’s Bursaries at The Beacon.

What Does a Headmaster’s Bursary Cover?

A Headmaster’s Bursary covers some or all of the following according to financial need:

  • School fees (up to 100%)
  • Stipend for school uniform and games kit
  • Curriculum trips
  • Music tuition
  • Contribution towards Learning Support

Who is Eligible?

Headmaster’s Bursaries are determined depending on individual parents’/guardians’ circumstances, for example their savings, investments and saleable assets, as well as their income, the size of their family, and any other persons dependant upon them. Further details are given via the links at the bottom of this page.

Headmaster’s Bursaries may be made available to parents/guardians of children wishing to enter The Beacon, normally in Year 3 or above. They are awarded at the discretion of the Governors, on the recommendation of the Headmaster and the Director of Finance & Operations, who are responsible for the management and coordination of the process. Other than the additional consideration of financial circumstances, the School’s Admissions Policy will be followed.

The Application Process

Scanned copies of the completed forms, together with the necessary documentary evidence, should be returned by email to the Director of Finance & Operations by the end of the February half term for a bursary to start the following September. We will invite eligible pupil candidates to visit the school during the second half of the Spring Term, when they will be assessed for entrance. Parents will be notified before the start of the Summer Term regarding the success or otherwise of their application.

Please see the links below for full details and application forms. For further information, please contact Frank Muzika, Director of Finance & Operations at or telephone 01494 736168.