student cheering

Middle School

Holocaust Memorial Day

26 January 2024

On the morning of Friday 25 January, our Years 6-8 boys gathered in the Spinney Theatre to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day, honouring the millions of…

The Beacon Carol Service

13 December 2023

As the Christmas break approaches, our Beacon Community came together at Kings Church in Amersham for our annual Carol Service. The afternoon began with the…

Year 6 Balloon Debate 2023

16 October 2023

Last Friday, the Year 6 boys enjoyed their eagerly-anticipated Balloon Debate. They had been working on persuasive-writing techniques and speeches in their English lessons, and…

Writing with Beasts – Jack Meggitt-Phillips

25 September 2023

Friday afternoon saw the Spinney buzzing with creativity as Years 3 to 6 took part in Writing with Beasts, an hour-long interactive writing workshop held…

Keep Yourself Safe Day

11 September 2023

Last Friday, our boys from Reception to Year 8 had a busy end to the first week of the term, engaging in activities and learning…

Speech Day 2023

6 July 2023

On Wednesday afternoon, we welcomed our Beacon Community to the Wycombe Swan Theatre to celebrate our annual Speech Day event for Years 4-8. This year…

Chefs in the Making!

30 June 2023

MasterCook 2023 has been an exceptional year, with more boys than ever taking part to showcase their culinary flare and passion. There was over 40…

Year 6 Residential Trip to Newquay

27 June 2023

Our Year 6 boys took the journey down to the lovely seaside town of Newquay last week for their Residential Trip; which they were very…

Sports Day 2023

30 May 2023

On Friday, our boys in Years 3 to 8 took part in our annual Sports Day. There was a huge amount of excitement as they…

Beacon Boys Collaborate With RMS Girls

26 May 2023

We were thrilled to have another successful STEM morning this week, with the Royal Masonic School girls once again, joining our Beacon boys here at…