student receiving the kindness cup

Our New Headmaster for the Day

14 June 2023

A winning prize at the BPS auction was the opportunity for a Beacon boy to become ‘Headmaster for the Day’.

Max D (Year 8) arrived at school on Monday morning enthusiastic and smartly dressed… but this time, not in school uniform as a pupil, he was suited ready to embrace his new role as Headmaster, ‘Mr D’.

Leadership of The Beacon for the day meant that Max could decide upon a few important factors. His first decision was to initiate a non-uniform day for the whole school to fundraise for his designated charity, Buckinghamshire Mind; the mental health charity providing trusted mental health services to our local community. A huge thank you to our Beacon families for your valued support, £776 has been raised so far for this good cause, which is an overwhelming amount to support mental health services in our local community. If you would like to donate, please click here.

Mr D’s acting Headmaster role commenced with his presentation to our whole school in Assembly. He gave an overview of the importance of his charity of choice for non-uniform day, announced the winner of the Kindness Cup, awarded Headmaster’s Commendations and handed out certificates to the UKMT Maths Challenge winners.

His schedule for the rest of the day was jam-packed with important tasks and meetings, including:

  • Tea and toast with the Estates team
  • Meeting the Catering team and enjoying a tour of the kitchen whilst discussing Max’s lunch choice of Chilli Con Carne and Rice to be served as the main lunchtime option for the school
  • An exciting virtual reality demo playing table tennis with the IT team, using their state-of-the-art VR kit
  • An uplifting view of The Beacon from the rooftop of our Osborne Building
  • Lunch at a dedicated table with close friends
  • An introduction to the Marketing department, copywriting a piece for the weekly ‘Lighthouse’ newsletter
  • Meeting and dismissing Our Little Beacons from school

Max enjoyed a well-rounded headship experience, where he was able to see a different side to The Beacon. His day finished off with afternoon tea in the Headmaster’s office, where Mr D handed back the reins to Mr Baker!

“I thoroughly enjoyed my day as Headmaster. My favourite part was the virtual reality demo playing Table Tennis through VR goggles”. – Max D