Year 4 Residential Trip to Longridge

17 June 2022

Our Year 4 boys have been on an amazing adventure this week to Longridge Activity Park. On arrival yesterday, they were eager to get stuck in to the exciting activities that were on offer.

Our boys were overjoyed to take part in the range of activities available, including Climbing, Laser Tag, Leap of Faith and Aero ball… the list goes on! The boys were also challenged with Paddle Boarding and Raft Building, where they had to test their balance on the boards and make sure they worked well as a team to build and sail the rafts!

The highlights for our boys were the various water activities and staying in the same rooms with their friends, for some of our boys this was their first time away from home, so a big well done for attending and being so well behaved.

A big thank you to the Teachers involved in organising the trip, it looked like our boys had a fabulous time, and they all came back very tired!

Take a look below to see our gallery of images!