student cheering

Year: 2021

The Battlefields Event 2021

22 October 2021

The Battlefields Event 2021 This week, our Year 8 boys have been learning about WW1. We explored everything from war poetry, Black History to gas…

Healthy Autumnal Cooking and Nutrition

22 October 2021

Over the first half of our Autumn term, the boys have been cooking up a storm in the kitchen. Our budding chefs have grown in…

Hazard Alley

15 October 2021

Year 4 have been learning about How to Keep Safe in their lessons this term and in conjunction with this they have been venturing off…

Harvest Festival

13 October 2021

Harvest Festival 2021 This years Harvest Festival has been an outstanding success, with the Pre-Prep boys preparing their artwork and performing their Harvest Festival songs,…

Senior Schools’ Evening

8 October 2021

On Thursday evening, we welcomed over 25 Senior Schools to The Beacon for an Information Evening, giving our Beacon families the opportunity to explore potential…

September Open Morning 2021

27 September 2021

We were delighted to welcome prospective families once again, for face to face, socially-distanced, tours of The Beacon at our Autumn Open Morning on Saturday…

Year 7 Blenheim Woods Trip

23 September 2021

Last week, the Year 7 boys had the pleasure of visiting Blenheim Woods for an adventure packed couple of days. As this was their first…

Up and Atom! Science This Week at The Beacon

17 September 2021

Science has really started term off with a bang, bringing science to life with various experiments happening throughout the week. Year 3 have been experimenting…

Keeping Yourself Safe Day

14 September 2021

Beacon boys from Nursery all the way through to Year 8 experienced a wide range of interesting, fun and engaging talks from a variety of…

Welcome to Early Years at The Beacon

3 September 2021

This week we welcomed back all our Beacon Boys and we are glad to have the school filled with laughter and smiles once again after…