student cheering

Honey Honey

18 November 2020

As part of our Beacon Beehive initiative, it has been wonderful to see honey and bees incorporated into the School curriculum for our Beacon boys.

During our popular Taste Buddies sessions, the Year 8 boys were lucky enough to try some tasty treats made by our wonderful chef using our very own Beacon honey. From carrot and honey soup with wholemeal honey and oat bread, to poached apple, honey and wholemeal steamed buns, the boys loved the delicious recipes! Our Year 6 boys compared the difference between our Beacon honey and honey from their own hives and were surprised to notice just how much they varied in consistency, taste and colour, even despite the honey being made by bees within a five-mile radius of each other!

In Maths lessons, the boys have taken part in various bee-related activities. Year 7 completed a ‘Bees in Maths’ project, involving research on why bees choose the shape of a hexagon to store their honey and they produced some fantastic visual posters to highlight the interesting facts they had learnt. Year 6 also enjoyed a practical activity outside, exploring routes taken by bees to visit every flower and return to the hive, however only travelling a given path once. The boys loved working together to complete the challenge!

In Art, the boys have produced some fantastic pieces of work. Year 7 have been creating bee sculptures from willow in their lessons. They have been working in pairs and using their hands to shape the willow to form basic 3D shapes. They will then join and extend the shapes to create the form of the bee and will cover their sculptures in tissue paper to add colour. We can’t wait to see the results!

Across the whole of the Beacon School and in light of anti-bullying week this week, we are, now more than ever, pushing our value to #BeKind and look after one another. As part of our #BeeKind and sustainability initiative, we endeavour to help the local honeybees and bring our Beacon Community together during these difficult times. #BeaconTogether

Our wonderful Beacon Honey is selling out fast – we have less than 100 jars left. Please click here to purchase yours.