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Making an Impression

16 October 2020

A number of year groups at The Beacon have been studying Impressionism through their Creative and Performing Arts lessons this half term.

Over the past few weeks in Art, Year 4 have been experimenting with colour mixing of acrylic paints and trying various painting techniques to re-create one of Monet’s famous impressionist paintings ‘The Water Lilies’. The paintings the boys produced were really beautiful, as you can see from the gallery below.

Meanwhile, in Year 8, the boys have been looking at the link between Impressionism in Art and in Music and thinking about the musical devices and techniques used in Impressionist Music. They have been linking this to what they have been studying in History about the First World War and then creating impressionistic soundscapes of scenes from the war using classroom instruments.

To read more about the Creative Arts at The Beacon, please click here.