student cheering

Sustainability Week with Kim

3 July 2020

In Cooking and Nutrition lessons, Mrs Rowland not only teaches the boys cookery skills and techniques, but also educates the boys in healthy eating and sustainable living. This week, the boys have been looking at sustainability and how important it is to know where our food comes from. The idea that what we buy supports the manufacturing of that product has been explored and they have discussed sustainable farming and fishing practices.

As we have become accustomed to, the boys yet again produced some fantastic dishes this week, with  paella, fish cooked en papillote and lasagne all on the menu. The dishes look absolutely fantastic, boys! See the carousel below for more photos.

To watch two great videos, one from Mrs Rowland’s brother about sustainable fishing and free diving for Scallops, and one from Pipers Farm regarding their sustainable farming, please visit Mrs Rowland’s showreel here.