student cheering

Year 5

Year 5 Residential – PGL Liddington

14 June 2024

On Monday morning, our Year 5 boys were eagerly awaiting to depart for their Residential PGL Trip to Liddington. Despite a little rain, there was…

Year 5 Residential Trip to Windmill Hill

15 June 2023

On Monday morning, our Year 5 boys arrived at school ready and raring to depart for their residential trip to PGL at Windmill Hill. On…

Year 5 Ufton Court Trip

17 March 2023

Our Year 5 boys had an enjoyable and informative time on their trip to Ufton Court Thursday this week. The focus of the visit was…

Sports Report – Week 22

17 March 2023

This week has been busy on the field with Sports matches and our boys have been playing superbly in both Hockey and Football. See our…

Baker’s Beacon Blog – Week 19

24 February 2023

Dear Parents, I trust everyone had a restful half term; Year 5 boys delighted in regaling me of their various holidays in Geography this week,…