student cheering

Year: 2024

Year 5 Residential – PGL Liddington

14 June 2024

On Monday morning, our Year 5 boys were eagerly awaiting to depart for their Residential PGL Trip to Liddington. Despite a little rain, there was…

Pre-Prep Sports Day 2024!

13 June 2024

Go, Go, Go! We were delighted to welcome our Beacon families to Willsfield on Thursday for our annual Pre-Prep Sports Day. Our boys were brimming…

A New Headmaster for the Day!

11 June 2024

A winning prize at the BPS Summer Ball Auction was the opportunity for a Beacon boy to become ‘Headmaster for the Day’. Thomas L (Year…

Shining Futures Entrepreneur Programme!

10 June 2024

On Friday, our Year 8 boys were challenged with a ‘Shark Tank’ scenario which replicated TV’s Dragons’ Den in style. They were tasked with presenting…

Year 4 Residential Trip to Woodrow High House

7 June 2024

On Tuesday 4th June, Year 4 set off on their first residential trip, to Woodrow High House. The boys were very excited (and a little…

Baker’s Beacon Blog – Week 32

6 June 2024

Dear Parents, I hope everyone had an enjoyable Half Term.  The Bakers were in the A Level and GCSE  ‘eye of the storm’ and so…

Sports Day 2024!

24 May 2024

On Friday 24 May, our boys in Years 3 to 8 participated in our annual Sports Day event, filled with excitement and anticipation as they…

Baker’s Beacon Blog – Week 31

24 May 2024

Dear Parents, What a Sports Day that was!  Athleticism and sportsmanship across both morning and afternoon sessions and a huge organizational triumph for Mr David…

Early Years’ visit Mead Open Farm

24 May 2024

Our Early Years’ boys embarked upon a day trip to Mead Open Farm in Leighton Buzzard, which was a first Beacon school trip for our…

BLM and the after effects reflected in literature and culture – By Cassius J and George G

24 May 2024

In 2020 the Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) took the world by storm. Today we spoke to New York times Bestselling author James McBride, about…