Baker’s Beacon Blog – Week 32

6 June 2024

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Half Term.  The Bakers were in the A Level and GCSE  ‘eye of the storm’ and so didn’t do a great deal apart from revision.  Although an intense year, it kind of helps having both at the same time as Patrick and Joseph have spurred each other on, particularly when they compete with each other with the help of an electronic aid.  As reluctant as I am to ever put too much emphasis or credibility on online revision tools, the ‘Flora’ App the boys have been using has been incredibly effective.  It gives points and achievements for time spent off electronic devices – it’s so effective, even a text message for mealtime goes unnoticed as they don’t want it to affect their ability to ‘plant a tree’ which then gets shared with others in their friendship groups.  In my school days, children would often be called names for working too hard, so it is definitely progress that we can now utilise modern technology to celebrate a strong work ethic amongst peers, rather than criticise.  It wasn’t all work work work though as, with end of exams and holidays on the horizon, the boys did ask if we could go to Westfield.  Though not terribly fashion conscious, who doesn’t like ‘new stuff for the summer’ and I was only too happy to be tapped up for new pairs of shorts and a few t-shirts.  My wife Brigid left us boys to it as she shopped alone…and ended up with more bags than we had mustered between us…

One more weekend left to train for our epic Beacon to Paris cycle ride a week today. I completed the 100 mile Ride London course on the first Sunday of Half Term a little slower than last year (and a lot slower than some of my fellow parent riders this Friday – good riding, team!) but I’m ready for the challenge.  Even if I was a little unsure I can take inspiration from two of our Beacon boys who have gone above and beyond with their accomplishments over Half Term.  Logan G became the U15 (Logan is 13!) Champion at the Henley Triathlon last weekend, and Kit R raised over £2000 for Solidarity Sport, cycling the notoriously hilly South Downs Way with his family.  If Logan and Kit can accomplish such athletic feats, then so can I – bring on Friday!

Have a good weekend,

Nick Baker

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