Baker’s Beacon Blog – Week 27

26 April 2024

Dear Parents,

It’s party time at The Beacon as we all get ready for our Spring Ball later on this evening.  My sincere thanks to the Ball Committee of Jo, Emily, Louise and of course Octavia and Emma who have worked with such creativity, flair and enthusiasm to ensure tonight is the success I have no doubt it will be.  This will be the last Ball at Latimer for at least the next few years, so let’s make sure they remember what a Beacon night out looks like…

As an entertainment warm up to tonight, look no further than ‘Beacon Musician of the Year 2024’ last Monday.  Eight exceptional musicians, all playing different repertoire but, whisper it…in the last two years, the winner has gone to a boy performing a contemporary piece.  Last year Romir P won with his Coldplay medley and this year Sam K took away the honours with his superb rendition of ‘You’ll be back’ from Hamilton.  Not blaming Sam at all but that song has been an ‘earworm’ for me ever since, swimming around in my head.  It will pass in time but we are hoping that Sam reprises his performance at Speech Day on 3 July and no doubt that the earworm will return.  For me though, the worm won’t be resident for long as later that evening I am taking son Joseph to one of his favourite bands, ACDC, at Wembley Stadium…I’m expecting the worm to take one note of that concert and depart from my head swiftly to seek safety elsewhere…

See you later on,

Nick Baker

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